Director of Teacher Interns and Auxiliary Programs

ELL Instructor

Adjunct Faculty in Education

Contact Information

  • EDUC-380: Instructional Design
  • EDUC-440: ELL REading and Wrting Development
  • EDUC-440: Teaching & Learning Language
  • EDUC-441: Divers Poli Soc Factors for ELLs & Educ
  • EDUC-441: Diversity, Politics, Social..
  • EDUC-441: Teaching & Learning Language
  • EDUC-443: Intro. 2nd Lang Acquisition - Educators
  • EDUC-500: Student Teaching
  • EDUC-501: Preparation and Planning
  • EDUC-502: Classroom Teaching
  • EDUC-503: Classroom Management
  • EDUC-600: Seminar
  • EDUC-601: Independent Study
  • EDUC-740: ELL Reding and Writing Development
  • EDUC-740: Teaching & Learning Language
  • EDUC-741: Cultural Context of Language
  • EDUC-741: Divers Poli Soc Factors for ELLs & Educ
  • EDUC-741: Diversity, Politics, Social
  • EDUC-743: Understanding 2nd Language Acquisition
  • OFFP-GOLONG: Preparation for GO Long
  • OFFR-310: Global Citizenship

Courses Taught

  • EDUC-380: Instructional Design
  • EDUC-440: ELL REading and Wrting Development
  • EDUC-440: Teaching & Learning Language
  • EDUC-441: Divers Poli Soc Factors for ELLs & Educ
  • EDUC-441: Diversity, Politics, Social..
  • EDUC-441: Teaching & Learning Language
  • EDUC-443: Intro. 2nd Lang Acquisition - Educators
  • EDUC-500: Student Teaching
  • EDUC-501: Preparation and Planning
  • EDUC-502: Classroom Teaching
  • EDUC-503: Classroom Management
  • EDUC-600: Seminar
  • EDUC-601: Independent Study
  • EDUC-740: ELL Reding and Writing Development
  • EDUC-740: Teaching & Learning Language
  • EDUC-741: Cultural Context of Language
  • EDUC-741: Divers Poli Soc Factors for ELLs & Educ
  • EDUC-741: Diversity, Politics, Social
  • EDUC-743: Understanding 2nd Language Acquisition
  • OFFP-GOLONG: Preparation for GO Long
  • OFFR-310: Global Citizenship